This week we will take a peek at the American Health Institution. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed what we already knew existed - medical disparities in the treatment of Black and Brown people. Neglect, misdiagnosis and misinformation are common factors that people of color face far to often that has become the norm. How long has this been going on? Is there a history of documentation that verifies this indictment against the American Health Institution? What are some of the reasons this is allowed to continue? Are there efforts being made to change this behavior that is all to common in the American Health Institution? We all have personal testimonies that apply to our health as well as family and community members concerning inadequate healthcare. Now is the time to examine facts and documentation to determine if the American Health Institution is guilty or innocent of all charges of genocidal health practices. We will see you Saturday for what promises to be an educational and informative session with your participation and input.
Health care is a right and not a privilege!
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