There are a lot of things developing here in America and the world that are contrary to the well being of people everywhere. OPPRESSION is the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control used by the oppressor. Oppression of the People by the Government. How has the government used oppression to manifest and institutionalize negative outcomes in black and brown communities? What are our rights that are being violated?
We will connect some dots from the past to the present day to confirm what you see, feel and are about to experience is real as the American Government accelerates its national and global agenda of total domination and control through oppression. We will have a lively open dialogue session with the use of supporting materials like we had last week. We are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!
Email us here with your login name to enroll and learn!
“Poverty is economic oppression.
Tyranny is political oppression.
Oppose those who oppress others.
Support those who liberate others.”