This week's session is one of gratitude, acknowledgement and praise of original Black Panther party members that have gone home to our ancestors since 2016. We will honor the following original party members: Joan Kelly, Elbert 'Big Man' Howard, Melvin Dixon, Terry Cotton, Terry Collins, James Erving, Ralph Moore, Valentine Hobbs, Gwen Johnson, Ellis White, Charles Brunson, Lester Mott and Sultan Ahmad. Many of you have been informed of Brother Sultan’s passing on Thanksgiving in Philadelphia. Brother Sultan was scheduled to share his story this week.
During the second half of our session we will honor brother Sultan using our collective Alumni Knowledge to highlight his contributions to the Legacy of the Black Panther Party. We are hoping that everyone will take the time to come on the call to honor these brothers and sisters who were on the front line and are a part of the living legacy of the Black Panther Party. Know those that came before you upon whose shoulders you stand!
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